Ice Cream People
by Brian Butler
Bozo Cone in Kingston
A project devoted to the research, classification, and recognition of the Ice Cream Person.
Ice Cream Person Research Coordinator
Name: Brian Butler
Favorite Homemade Ice Cream: I’d like a heart-stopping load of Frech Vanilla combined with warm Cookies and Brownies, served with too much Whipped Cream and a Candied Cherry.
Favorite Ice Cream Brand or Store: Kimball Farm, in Westford, MA. I got some homemade pumpkin ice cream there recently, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it. Four Seas in Centerville, MA has excellent black raspberry, and Far Fars Danish Ice Cream Shop in Duxbury, MA has my favorite Oreo.
Most Exotic Ice Cream Flavor You’ve Ever Tried: Black Pepper or Corn or
Green Tea, in China.
For those who have never visited your blog can you give a brief description about what Ice Cream People is all about?
The intention of the Ice Cream People Project is to generate support for the existence of part human, part ice cream hybrids. Ultimately, I’d like the Ice Cream Person to be a household name, much like Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster.
What exactly is an Ice Cream Person? And what’s the best way to sight one?
An Ice Cream Person will be that big smiling purple guy at the local ice cream shop. The guy who’s melting head and limbs are attached to a big
sugar cone. Sightings are pretty common worldwide. In the event you encounter one, I suggest surprising him by licking his face. This is considered a symbol of respect among the frozen community.
What is the background of your blog?
The project began nearly a year ago (in 2007), after a tour of every miniature golf course in Massachusetts. (Of which there were 84, some are already gone. R.I.P.).
I discovered a couple of Ice Cream Person monuments on the side of the road over the duration of the tour, and thought “I bet there’s a whole subculture of Ice Cream/Human Hybrids out there.
The website came a little later after a bit more research, and once it went online other people started submitting their evidence. The project has grown to a point where I have started soliciting for submissions. It’s all about Ice Cream Person awareness, and I’m trying to get others to keep an eye out.
You’ve come in contact with a lot of different Ice Cream People, who’s your favorite Ice Cream Person? Why?
It’s difficult to choose a favorite, though I am grateful for discovering the Bozo Cone in
Kingston (picture at top of interview),
as well as the Ms. Top Hat Cone of Douglas
(pictured here). They’re the ones that inspired the investigation.
How can we help you in the study of Ice Cream People?
I am always interested in new documentation. I’d love receiving photos, stories, and artist-renditions of the species.
Do you or any Ice Cream People you’ve studied have any tips on making, serving, or selling ice cream?
I’ve spoken to a number of humans with the occupational title “Ice Cream People.” They suggest staking out high traffic locations, and parking their vehicle there. Fuel prices are hurting the Ice Cream Truck industry. They
need to move more ice cream than ever, just to break even. Also, on the topic of Ice Cream Trucks, I’ve also found that drivers consider the artwork adorning their trucks like badges of honor. They get really excited to offer a new product, and it’s label to the side of the truck. If I were to enter that industry I’d invest in making an Ice Cream Tricycle. The only
days you ride are the nice hot ones that people want ice cream, and there’s no worry about gas, if you get the right type of freezer.
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