All the Facts on Ice Cream You Always Wanted to Know…
…and probably some you didn’t! The facts on ice cream are captivating. You can use some of these tips to raise your ice cream serving up a notch.
Personal knowledge will increase your own passion and appreciation for ice cream! Zeal is contagious – pass it on as you scoop out the ice cream.
Ideas for using the info in your home and business are located at the bottom of the page.
Ice Cream Facts

- Facts on Ice Cream
- Ice Cream History
- Ice Cream Folklore, Legends, & Mysteries
- Fun Facts about Ice Cream
- American Fun Facts about Ice Cream
- National Ice Cream Days
- Ice Cream Fun
- Ice Cream Pictures
- Ice Cream Clip Art
- Gelato vs Ice Cream
Using Facts on Ice Cream
- Make it a family project to learn and discuss one new fact about ice cream every time you dish it out.
- Trace the history of ice cream from its origin to the present, making a poster time-line to put on your wall.
- Test some of the fun facts out and see if they fit your family.
- Try to stump your friends with this trivia.
- Try making some new ice cream flavors.
- Just plain have fun with the Flavor Generators.
- Have “family time” trying out some ice cream fun.
- Use the clip art and pictures to make posters or party invitations.
- Use the facts on ice cream as conversation pieces with customers.
- Use the history and legends to give a spice to your posters and brochures.
- Test some of the fun facts out on your customers and make them smile!
- Try to stump your customers with ice cream facts and trivia!
- Let the flavor ideas stimulate your imagination and try something new!
- Incorporate some fun into your store activities.
- Give some “ice cream fun” suggestions to families verbally or with brochures.
- Use the clip art and pictures to make attractive posters or advertisements.
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