Ice Cream Food Truck Business
Pros and Cons
Before starting an ice cream business, even an ice cream food truck business, you need to make sure that “it’s for you.”

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages helps to put things in perspective.
Ice Cream Food Truck Business Pros
You can easily go to where people congregate. Unlike an ice cream store, you are not tied down to a physical location.

Low Start-Up Costs
Since your business operates from a truck, you don’t have to buy property or fix-up a building.
Relatively Low On-Going Expenses
No property tax, monthly utility bill, restroom maintenance, interior design renovations, etc.
“Store” Clean-Up
With a truck you don’t have a large area or restrooms to clean every night after business hours.
Choose Your Own Work Hours
While a consistent routine is important, you determine what that routine will be.
Business Independence
If you keep your business small, you don’t necessarily need employees. You can manage your business by yourself.
Community Outreach
Visiting different neighborhoods and events gives you the opportunity to increase your community involvement.
Ice Cream Truck Business Cons

People are eager to buy ice cream on hot, sunny days. If the weather is cold or rainy, your profits will go down. Sadly, you don’t have control over the weather!
Seasonal Work
Unless you live in an area where it is ALWAYS hot. Ice cream truck work generally stops when the weather gets cool.
Work during Summer Holidays
While summer is often considered “vacation time,” this is the most profitable time for your business – and you should not take much if any time off.
Work during the Fun Times
While you may have enjoyed going to ball games and other big events in your town, as an ice cream truck owner you will now have to attend these events to work…not as a spectator.

Gas Money
With the benefit of mobility comes the disadvantage of paying for the fuel that makes that mobility possible!
Limited Space
Due to the fact that an ice cream truck just isn’t as big as a store, the amount of products and the variety of machines you can have on board is limited.
Vehicle Maintenance
Just like with your personal vehicle, an ice cream truck is bound to have something go wrong with it every now and then.
Vehicle Insurance
Vehicle insurance is a necessary expense.
What do you think? Still interested in starting an ice cream business? If so, seek more info on owning your own business and on the ice cream truck business itself. If some red flags are going up, continue to seek info – but proceed cautiously.
An ice cream business can be great fun and very rewarding! Make wise business steps and you’ll be loving your new job!
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