Ice Cream Making Name Game

You’ve got to be “on the ball” – ready to get the ball and pass it to another person as you say their name! This ice cream game can take a bit of concentration! The best part is you make a batch of ice cream as you play!
What You’ll Need
- Play and Freeze Ice Cream Ball
- Ingredients for making ice cream in your ball
- Timer
How to Play
Have children sit in a circle.
Put ice cream ingredients in ball and set the timer so that you know when the ice cream is done.
Give one child the Play and Freeze ball.
Have this child say his name followed by the name of someone else in the circle – as soon as he says the name of someone else in the circle, he rolls the ball to that person.
As soon as that person gets the ball, he must say his name and then immediately say the name of another person. Then, he rolls the ball to that person.
A person is out if
- He does not say his name first and then the name of the person to whom he roles the ball.
- He doesn’t roll the ball to the person whose name he called.
- He waits longer than 1 full second to say his name after he caught the ball.
- He waits longer than 1 full second to say the name of another player after saying his own name.
The last 2 people in the circle are the winners.
Do not throw or kick the Play and Freeze Ice Cream Ball.
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