Ice Cream Matching Game
by Sandy

This ice cream game is a spin off of a common kid favorite – memory/matching games. Kids have fun while they learn to match items that belong together. There are 2 different ways to play – the traditional card way (listed first) or the 3-D way (listed second).
Kids will not only have fun playing this game – but they will have fun making it too!
The Ice Cream Matching Game can be played by yourself or with others.
What You’ll Need to Make This Game
- At least 20 two inch square pieces of thick paper (the thicker the better: more durable, less see-through)
- Markers, pencil crayons, or crayons
How to Make This Game
Have children draw ice cream related images on the square pieces of paper. For every image they draw, they must draw an identical image on a second square.
Here are some ideas of what can be drawn:
- Different Kinds of Cones
- Different Flavors of Ice Cream
- Different Ice Cream Toppings
- Bowls
- People Enjoying Ice Cream
Set Up
- Shuffle the cards.
- Lay all cards face down in several even rows.
How to Play
- First player turns over two cards.
- If the two cards are matching cards, he gets to keep those cards. He then can turn over two more cards. As long as he keeps finding matching cards, he can keep going.
- If the two cards he turns over are not matching cards, he must flip them back over and the next person tries to find matching cards.
- Play continues until all cards have been matched.
- If you’re choosing a winner, the winner is the one who has collected the most matching cards.
- 3-D Memory Game
What You’ll Need
- 20 Large Plastic Cups
- 10 pairs of ice cream related objects that can fit inside the cup (toppings, spoon, cones, pictures, etc.)
Set Up
- Place ice cream related objects on the table in an orderly rows, but in random order.
- Place a cup over each of the objects so that none of the items can be seen.
How to Play
- Have one player lift up 2 different cups.
- If the objects under the cups match, he claims the objects for the game and lifts 2 more cups, trying to find another match.
- He continues until he doesn’t find matching objects. When this happens, he covers those objects up again with the cups and it’s the next person’s turn.
- The person at the end of the game with the most objects wins!
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