Ice Cream Truck Accessories
Once you’ve found your ice cream truck, you can begin looking for ice cream truck accessories and fill it with delicious ice cream products!
But, how do you know what items to purchase in order to have a well-stocked business? Read on to find out!
Your checklist of accessories that you will need depends on the products you plan to sell.
Novelty Ice Cream Truck Accessories

Selling novelty ice cream products like ice cream cups, ice cream sandwiches, round cookie sandwiches, ice cream bars, and freezer pops don’t require very many extra accessories.
You’ll want to be sure you purchase a quality freezer that will keep the products cold and firm so you’re customers aren’t getting an already half-melted product!
Other pre-packaged ice cream products you may consider include single flavor pints and small pre-made ice cream cakes.
Shaved ice is also a popular treat and it has a very good price mark-up which allows you to make money faster. If you choose to add this to your product line, you will need a shaved ice machine.
Soft Serve Accessories
Soft serve ice cream requires several additional accessories for your ice cream truck.
You’ll need to find a soft serve machine that mixes one or more flavors, depending on how many flavors you plan to offer.
In addition, you’ll want to stock up on a variety of cones: sugar cones, waffles cones, perhaps even dipped specialty cones with chocolate, chocolate and nuts, or chocolate and sprinkles!
If you have the time and ability, you could even purchase a waffle cone maker and offer fresh, homemade waffle cones.
Another option for soft serve ice cream is ice cream sundaes. Be sure to have an ample supply of disposable bowls and spoons.
Sundaes will also require extra ice cream toppings like syrups chocolate chips, sprinkles, gummy bears, crushed candy bars, cookies or any other topping you’d like to offer.
Your imagination is one of the best tools to use when adding ice cream truck accessories to your new business.
One-Scoop Ice Cream Truck Accessories
Serving regular ice cream is another option. You’ll want to find a supplier and choose several different types of well-liked ice cream to begin your business.
If you have the time and equipment, you could eventually begin selling your own homemade ice cream.
You’ll need a quality dipping cabinet in which to store the buckets of ice cream.
Of course you’ll also want to stock up on cones, disposable bowls and spoons.
Some reusable items you’ll need to purchase are ice cream scoops and scrapers.
A container where you can store and/or rinse the scoops as you switch between flavors of ice cream is also helpful.
Maybe you’d like to combine these ideas and offer both novelties and ice cream sundaes!
Once you’ve decided what your potential clients will be most interested in buying, you’ll have a better idea of what ice cream options to offer and which ice cream truck accessories you’ll need to purchase.
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