Ice Cream Truck Insurance
Do you know all you need to about ice cream truck insurance?
As with any vehicle, insurance is required by law if your truck will be on the road.
But there’s much more to think about when your vehicle is part of your foodservice small business.
Complexities of Vending Insurance

Researching insurance is already so complicated that many individuals consult a professional broker to help them find the best rates and most ideal coverage for their specific situation.
What you may not know is that when it comes to covering your ice cream truck, insurance becomes even more complex.
Your ice cream truck cannot be covered in the same way as your private car; as a business vehicle it must be covered under a commercial policy. Most of the major auto insurance companies offer commercial policies and some have developed policies tailored to the needs of ice cream businesses.
Insurance Needs and Flexibility
You may remember from buying other types of insurance that there is usually a range of coverage levels from which to choose.
Your mobile vending insurance choices are similar; you will need to find a balance between cost and safe coverage level.
At the minimum, you may decide to simply insure your truck against damage from others or you may choose to play it safer and add coverage in the case of unpredictable events such as fire or weather damage.
As you search for insurance, one pleasant surprise may be the flexibility of insurance policies on the basis of your business’s seasonal nature.
Rather than paying to have your ice cream truck insured during the months that it simply sits on your property without selling any product, you should be able to find a seasonal policy that is only active (and paid for) during your working months.
Get the Right Ice Cream Truck Insurance
Buying your own mobile vending insurance is more difficult than it looks initially.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming things are as simple as they appear; you may be putting yourself on the path toward an expensive food safety violation or even a lawsuit if your coverage is below the legal minimum and/or doesn’t meet the industry’s requirements.
Talk to a broker and find whatever other experienced help you can find to make sure that you buy the right ice cream truck insurance, keeping your business not only fun and profitable, but also protected adequately against whatever mishaps could occur.
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