The Annual Ice Cream Social

This ice cream game is all about learning how to make ice cream and then enjoying the results! I love having an Annual Ice Cream Social. I teach all of the children who come how to make ice cream. I teach them different ways of making ice cream, and then let them vote which way they like best. I then let them make their own bowl of ice cream. They can’t wait until next summer’s ice cream social!!
What You’ll Need
- At least 1 ice cream maker
- Ingredients for homemade ice cream
- Bowls and Spoons for everyone
- Toppings
How to Play
Teach children at least 2 different ways to make ice cream:
- Without an ice cream maker
- Old Fashioned Way with a hand crank ice cream maker
- New Way with an electric ice cream maker
After I’ve taught the kids how to make ice cream, I let them vote on the method they like best.
I then let them enjoy their own bowl of ice cream with toppings.
They can’t wait until next summer’s ice cream social!!
To prepare for this, I get every kind of ice cream and topping you can think of.
If you have a lot of kids, but don’t plan on making a lot of ice cream, make sure you buy ice cream or make some ahead of time so that there is enough for everyone!
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